It was great when we started working together because we had plenty of time to do an engagement session and a bridal session here in Santa Fe. I posted the engagement shots awhile back. But I didn't post any shots from the bridal session because we didn't want Bradd to see the dress.

The bridal session was at her mother's house which was beautifully decorated with lots of natural light.
This is a special piece of jewelry that Jess wore for the bridal session and on the wedding day.
Fresh cut flowers from her mom's garden for the bridal session. It was nice to have her mom and sister Kristina on hand to help out.
The shoes that Jessica planned to wear. As it turned out, a pair of flip-flops did the trick.
Here Jess threw on a cowboy hat for Bradd's sake. He's a little bit country.
I posted this shot awhile back but just had to re post since it is such a cool red guitar and nice shot of her rings.
As you can see, she is a little bit rock-n-roll.
After two flights, I arrived in Reno and this was our hotel.
I was bound and determined to get a shot of this sign before the weekend was over. Jessica's family was so generous to give me rides everywhere. Here, I was getting a ride from the rehearsal to the hotel with Jessica's father, David, step-mom Melissa, sister Briana and her boyfriend Tyler. We were driving along and the sign appeared almost out of no where. I shouted, "slow down" and took this shot from the back seat, through the windshield. Thank you David for slowing down, and sorry for yelling. :)
Here is Jess the day of the wedding. Hair done by her amazing sister Briana. If you are looking for a stylist in the Portland area, she's your girl.
Bradd moments before the wedding.
Flowers done by Bradd's mom Debbi and her wonderful friends. They used peacock feathers as details.
Perfect garter for Jess, notice the tattoo on her fore arm below.....
I love this t-shirt!
The ceremony over-looking Reno from the scenic D'Andrea Golf Club.
All of Jess and Bradd's siblings.

Their first dance over-looking the scenic valley. They danced to Journey, "Faithfully".

The weather was perfect for a reception outside.
Jess and her sisters. Those girls can sing!

A sleepy girl on grandma's shoulder.